Frequently Asked Questions

What is elite grass seed?

Elite grass seed refers to high-quality, certified grass seed varieties that are specifically cultivated and bred by growers for superior performance and are distinguished by key characteristics like: dark colour, high germination rates, weed-free certification, and increased tolerance to drought, disease, and foot traffic.

Do you have a retail location or offer local pick-up?

Currently we are an online-only business and do not have a local pickup option at this time, sorry! However, we do offer free shipping across Canada via UPS. 

Do you offer free shipping?

Yes! We offer free shipping across Canada via UPS.

When will my order arrive?

Orders placed before 12 pm EST usually ship via UPS by end of day. Average shipping time is about 3-5 business days (excluding weekends).

Where do you ship from?

We ship out of our warehouse located in Mississauga, Ontario.

Which setting should I use on my Scott's grass seed spreader? 

Spreader settings are listed on our Seeding Rates & Instructions page. These are approximate recommendations because the build quality on the Scott’s spreaders seems to leave some variability and inconsistency from one spreader to the next. We recommend that you start with your spreader set slightly lower and slowly opening it until the seed is coming out evenly but very moderately. This will help ensure you can get around the entire yard and then keep making passes until it's finished.

How should I store my grass seed?

Seed should be stored in a cool, dry place and in a pest resistant container. Temperature consistency is more important than anything else so we recommended some place like your basement instead of an unconditioned garage or shed.

What is the shelf life of grass seed? How long does grass seed stay viable?

When stored properly, grass seed can stay viable for up-to 2 years, though ideally should be used in the first 1-1.5 years.

Which fertilizer should I use?

There isn’t much difference between the quality of fertilizers at big box stores so you can’t really go “wrong” using them—provided you stick to the recommended application rates. For seeding projects, we prefer the Scott’s starter fertilizer for its smaller prill size which allows for a more dense application. 

Should I pre-germinate my grass seed?

Pre-germinating grass seed has become fashionable in the online lawncare scene the past few years. While there's nothing wrong with pre-germinating, after a bunch of testing we have found that it isn't worth the extra effort considering our Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass both germinate in about 5-7 days if planted correctly. Not only do you have to change the water daily when pre-germinating, but it's also fairly challenging to spread wet seed and you need a large amount of dry material to add to the seed to do it—e.g. organic fertilizer or granular humic.

Which grass seed is best for dog urine?

Unfortunately dog urine doesn’t discriminate and will kill all types of grass. The only things you can really do is try and get water on the area right after your dog goes, or let them drink more water to try and dilute the urea in their urine.